NO-Dig event 2021

As we were super enthusiast about the No-Dig event in 2019, we decided to register ourselves again for the No-Dig event on the 13th and 14th of October in 2021.

The No-Dig event is aimed at everyone with tangent areas with the underground infrastructure and trenchless drilling. This fair is organized by NSTT and lasts two days. You can visit the different stands of professionals, and attend readings and live demonstrations. Broadening your network and gaining knowledge is of course possible as well.

What are trenchless techniques?

Trenchless drilling means that you do not have to dig whenever you are constructing or renovating underground tubes. An example of such a trenchless technique is horizontal directional drilling (HDD). To perform horizontal drilling you need professional equipment, such as an HDD mix, pump, and recycle unit, but also HDD site equipment, like piperollers. Bofram Techniek is a professional in the field of HDD, MUDD, and Dämmer systems. We engineer and produce fully customized bentonite mix, pump, and recycling units.

We will keep you up-to-date about the latest news regarding the No-Dig event on our website and our social media channels.

Why do we need No-Dig?

  • Less annoyance
  • Cost-efficient
  • Sustainable
no-dig event 2021

Want to read more about HDD?

Meet the team
Meet the team
Meet the team Renzo
Meet the team Niels
Meet the team - Gian
Meet the team - Jeroen