HDD mixing systems

Horizontal Directional Drilling

Bofram Techniek is a professional in the field of MUD, HDD & Dämmer systems. Within the Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) industry, underground pipes and tubes are constructed or repaired with the use of horizontal drillings. The main advantage is that the road does not have to be deconstructed to realize the drilling and it is possible to drill underneath a river. To perform these horizontal drilling you need professional HDD equipment, like HDD mixing units, to create a bentonite mixture. With 35 years of experience in engineering, we can offer customized solutions for every challenge with Horizontal Directional Drilling mud mix, pump, and circulation systems.


√ Low fuel consumption

√ Easy to maintain

√ User-friendly in operation

√ Robust construction

Our mixing units

Service and maintenance

To ensure optimal performance, quality, and longevity, it is important to clean your mixing unit thoroughly. That is why we empower our HDD mixing units with a high-pressure cleaning system. For inspection, maintenance, and repairs of your HDD mixing unit you can reach out to us as well.

Your case is our challenge!

Are you looking for custom HDD mixing systems? Please feel free to contact us and meet our engineers to talk about your specific wishes.